Pressing for Change: Prints as Social Commentary

Printmaking is one of the few art forms that allows the artist to produce multiples of the same image. This multiplicity allows for broad dissemination and an affordable price point, allowing artists to sell them directly to working class buyers, hang them in public places, or exhibit them in different venues at the same time. For centuries, printmakers have capitalized on this accessibility to spread important messages. While the prints in this exhibition range from the seventeenth to the twenty-first century, many of the concerns with which they grapple feel timeless. All of the prints on view are from the permanent collection of the Samek Art Museum. Co-curated by Samek Art Museum Registrar & Exhibition Manager, Theresa Engelbrecht and Intern Alexa DerGarabedian
Hand of Power
Li'l Patch of Woods
Supplicium Sceleri Frœnum (Punishments, A Curb on Crime)
Reward of Cruelty
Devota Profesion
Combat (I)
The Republican Attack
Yellow Peril
What's New and Happening at the Guggenheim...
Sturm (Riot)
Lost Boys